All 10.2 MM net USD have already been distributed.

The Handshake project has received 10.2 Million US Dollars from Project Sponsors. The net proceeds have been distributed to Free and Open Source Software communities (projects, non-profits, hackerspaces).

Free and Open Source Software is an often overlooked but crucial part of the foundations of the Internet. The Handshake project would not be here today if it wasn't for the efforts of this community.

Many contributors to the Handshake community identify with and are long-term proponents of Free and Open Source Software. The development of Handshake has benefited not only as consumers of FOSS output but also from the mentorship, knowledge and guidance we have been able to access through the FOSS communities we have been involved with over the years.

The inclusion of the pledge recipients on this page does not constitute or imply any endorsement of Handshake on the part of recipients but simply reflects gratitude for the grant recipients' contributions to FOSS.


The Project Sponsors received a minority participation (7.5%) of HNS in the interest of aligning all stakeholders, including industry. All of the 10.2MM USD collected from Project Sponsors (Funds and Individuals) will be given to Free and Open Source Software projects.

The traditional model of for-profit companies releasing open source code and hiring open source developers has historically been the primary method of community funding. The Handshake model is an experiment in a self-sustaining alternative source of no-obligation FOSS community support. See the project notes for more information.